
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Welcome (again)

I'm not sure how many homepages I've created over the past 15 years, going all the way back to my Enteract account in Chicago.  Anyway, I do have this domain, so I figure I would throw up the basics.  I probably won't post much here since I spend enough time on the computer at work.  Some other places I'm on the "net":

  • - my family homepage with links to various family pics via Flickr.  I update this several times a year.
  • LinkedIn - see my online professional profile there.
  • Facebook - I'm not an addict but do have an account I'll post to on occasion.  I'm apparently "Chris Chong #52056" (sector 97, zone M).
  • Twitter - userid cpchong, don't tweet much either.
Welcome back :)

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